Welcome to our Kindness Community


... where we believe that

kindness transforms the world


Are you discouraged by the chaos, hate and fear in the world around us?

Do you have a vision of a better world ...


... where love and compassion are the driving force

in our individual interactions with one another and in society as a whole?


If your vision is similar to ours, we invite you to become part of our Kindness Community and help us create a world-wide movement of kindness and compassion that will be a force for good and balance the negativity of current trends that promote hatred, fear, exclusion and disregard for the wellbeing of others.


Join Us


As a member of our community, you will receive our free step-by-step Guide:


The Power of Kindness

in a Time of Hate and Fear


You will also receive our weekly newsletter, Practicing Kindness, with inspiring stories, and uplifting articles.


To join us and to receive your guide, please complete this form: