Be Kind to Yourself


“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it

for a few minutes,  including you.”
                                                            … Anne Lamot


With everything going on in the world right now, it is so easy to feel overwhelmed. When we find ourselves feeling scattered, going in too many directions at once, we need to take time to get centered and focused.

This is the time to be kind to yourself.

Here are a few ideas that might help. Try one or two and see if you feel more relaxed and balanced.

Create Rituals that Support You

If you spend quiet time every day to reflect on your life, you have a daily ritual. Perhaps you have a daily practice of prayer and meditation, or you set time aside to read something uplifting.

For some people, a morning cup of coffee is a ritual - alone or with a loved one.

Larry and I begin our morning with breakfast, then use our coffee and tea time to be present with each other – talking about any dreams we had or interesting ideas we read, often sharing uplifting quotes that trigger discussion about the things that matter to us.

This became a morning ritual – a time to connect with each other and with the loving, wise power within that guides our lives. We now begin every day feeling focused and excited about taking whatever steps the day holds for us.

Rituals can take many forms. The important thing is that they support you, uplift you and give you a sense of peace.

Do Something You Enjoy Every Day

You might connect with a friend and have a little adventure or just a heart-to-heart conversation.

You may also be nourished by time to yourself. It might be as simple as a book by your bed that you read at night or a TV show that makes you laugh. You can play music you enjoy when you take a quiet break - or as you’re doing your daily chores. 

Think about activities that give you pleasure. Then be sure to incorporate some of them into your life now.

Keep a Journal

A journal provides you a way to reflect on your day and make sense of all that happened. By recording your interactions with others, you have a way to acknowledge yourself for things that went well and to think about those that didn’t. Then you can set an intention for tomorrow and ask your inner wisdom to guide you to a better approach next time.

Spend Some Relaxing Time with a Loved One

It is so easy to get caught up in the demands of the day that we often don’t spend time with those we love. By making that a priority – even if it is for 15 minutes at a time – we can nurture ourselves and also lift the mood of everyone involved.

Click here for a fun example. 

Take Care of Your Health

You know what to do. Be kind enough to yourself to do it.

Laugh Every Day

Few things are as transforming as laughter.  Studies have shown that laughter contributes to the healing of physical illness.  It can certainly lighten a gloomy day and improve our emotional health as well.

Think about things that make you laugh, then make a point to include at least one in your life every day.

Listen to Your Favorite Music

Music has the power to shift our mood. It can be energizing or relaxing, depending on our need.

Sometimes, just having music playing in the background as we go about our activities can turn a chore intro a pleasant break. When we need a time-out, the right selection of music can relax us or uplift our mood.

Music also comes with a second benefit. It can get us moving – even dancing – with its compelling rhythm.

See what Frostie shows us about the power of music:



When we care for ourselves, we feel more balanced and centered, Then, we are able to take the best of who we are out into the world.


What are your thoughts?

In what ways do you take care of yourself?

Please comment below. You might inspire someone with your example.


Help us spread the message of kindness.

If you know others who might appreciate these ideas, please share below.


We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,

Pat and Larry

Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.

One Comment

  1. Having rituals in my daily life help me feel like I have a purpose in life which leads to connecting and helping others. Depending on what is going on the next day, I get up between 6 and 8 am to start my am rituals of exercising and meditation. I then prepare my early lunch while listening to NPR news. Most of the time I have something planned in the afternoon or early evening, but I also look forward to those days of not getting in my car and going anywhere and having no plans outside my home. Most of my day would then be spend reading and writing to friends to see how they are doing and possibly making plans to do things like hiking, walking or sometimes going out to eat. In the afternoon, I usually go for a 30-45 minute walk in my neighborhood. I enjoy this alone time among the huge old trees. During these times, the sun is getting ready to set and is shedding all it’s beautiful colors. I then do a short meditation before preparing dinner. This is usually a smaller version of lunch which I eat sitting by my window and watching the end of day with the last bit of sun glittering through my backyard trees. Then it’s back to checking emails which I do not always get to and sometimes I watch a movie on my computer which is always non violent and usually romantic or a comedy. I have always showered before bedtime. I love the feeling of feeling clean as I get under the covers. If I cannot sleep, I read in bed and this helps despite what all the sleep authorities say not to do. LOL! Before going to sleep, I do reflect on my day and feel grateful for all I have in my life, esp. loving friends, good health and an occasion patient that I can help.

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