Living with Awe and Wonder


Every moment is unique, offering its own way

to connect to what is deepest within us,

to the wonder and mystery of being fully alive.

                                                                                                     Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee                                              

It is so easy to get caught up in the activity and demands of our daily lives that we don’t take the time to reconnect with the beauty and wonder of the world around us and right in front of us.

So, how do we do that?

I remember a day, decades ago, when my daughter, Christie, was a baby in a stroller. As we traveled through our neighborhood, she noticed a flower growing near the road. Her face lit up as she pointed to it, with delight and wonder on her face. It was exquisite, and I bent down so I could enjoy the moment with her. As I took in the gift that the flower offered us, I also delighted in Christie’s response to the beauty before her.

In that moment, I realized that I had passed that flower on my early morning walk, but had not noticed it, too absorbed in my thoughts about the day ahead.

Wonder comes naturally when we are present to the world around us. No matter what is happening in our lives, there is always so much to inspire awe and wonder. We just need to pay attention, rather than navigating our lives to get somewhere else, with our minds full of plans or worries or memories that prevent us from noticing what is around us.

This is easy when we’re out in nature, away from our usual routines, with deadlines and responsibilities. Walking through a forest or along a beach takes us out of ourselves and into the elegance of the living, thriving world. We are pulled out of our minds to the experience of being present with the majesty of a waterfall or the view from a mountain top.

Nature offers us tiny wonders as well. Wildflowers of many hues and shapes and sizes. The songs of birds and flashing colors as they fly past. Insects moving with purpose, on their own deliberate journey. The play of light as it dances around us.  The music of flowing water and leaves rustling in a breeze. There are endless gifts that pull us out of our minds and awaken us to the wonder of our world.

But we don’t have to get away from where we live to be in awe of the beauty of our world and the wonder of being alive in it. We can begin with noticing what a miracle it is that we are here, with eyes to see and ears to hear and noses to take in the fragrances that drift to us as we go through our day – and bodies that take us out into this amazing world, so we can experience the wonders it offers us.

Nature is right here as well. Flowers blooming in our yard or in a pot on our window sill. The magic of a spider’s intricate web that sparkles with dew in the early morning light. Birds gathering at a bird feeder to delight us as they revel in the bounty.  

Just looking around as we move through our day, we can see beauty that we usually ignore or take for granted – people moving around us, each with a single purpose, but together, creating a dance of life. The movement of light and shadow as the day passes. Sounds of laughter and eager conversation, as people enjoy connecting and sharing time together.

It is so easy to get caught up in our daily routine that we forget take time for wonder. Let’s treat ourselves to the joy of noticing what an amazing world we live in.

Videographer Louis Schwartzberg says, “When you experience wonder, your whole mind and body is arrested by something larger than yourself. You become what you behold…You’re left with increased feelings of wellbeing, compassion and creativity… we become more patient, more willing to help other people.”

I invite you to watch his TED Talk and to be in awe of the beauty of nature unfolding with the magic of his videography:


Nature's Beauty Inspires Gratitude: Louie Schwartzberg at TEDxSMU

As you go through this week, we invite you to be open to the beauty around you and experience the wonder of being alive in this amazing world.


What are your thoughts? 

What inspires wonder in your life?

Please leave a comment below.


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We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,

Pat and Larry

Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.

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