Finding Your Power at a Time of Uncertainty.


The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,

not on fighting the old, but on building the new.



As we continue to see extreme divisions in the United States, most of us are still trying to make sense of the outpouring of hatred and violence that is threatening a peaceful way forward.


This is the culmination of politics that for years was designed to divide us through messages of hate and fear, and recent rhetoric that was designed to turn that hate and fear into violent action.


As a result, the stability of our government and our society is at stake.


As I was sorting out my thoughts and feelings about what I see happening to our country, I came across a message from Krista Tippett of The On Being Project


Krista wrote:

“We are creatures made, again and again, by what would break us.”


I believe that she is right.


This is a time that could break us. It will also give us the opportunity to find the strength and wisdom within us to meet the challenges. When enough of us do that, we will be transformed, and so will our world.


But, at the moment, it feels like a time of darkness in our country and around our planet.


I am reminded of a message from Valarie Kaur, founder of The Revolutionary Love Project. She asks us to consider: Is what we are experiencing “the darkness of the tomb or the darkness of the womb.”


I like the analogy of the womb. As the time of birth approaches, the mother reaches a point of severe pain, with contractions coming rapidly, one after another. Many women have said it felt like dying.


The technical term for that part of the birth process is transition. The mother is reminded to breathe through the pain. Soon after, she gets the urge to push the baby out. As hard as it is, she is told to push through the pain.


Breathe, then push. Breathe, then push.


Soon, a new life is born.


If we can see the transition we are going through now as the birthing of a new world, we can see that the turmoil and chaos will pass. The good news is that we each get to contribute to what comes next.


Breathe. Take long, deep breaths to get your balance.


Then push. Take whatever action you can take to support the birth of the new world that you want to see rise out of the chaos.


We are being called to counter hate and fear with the transforming power of love, which shows up in every act of kindness, no matter how big or small it may seem. We are already having a positive impact on the world.


This is not a time to assume that we cannot make a difference. Every act, every thought we think, and every word we speak, enters the morphic field in which we live. That energy field affects the direction of our planet.


 This is a time to claim the power of love, knowing that we can help to birth the new world that will emerge from the chaos.


We wish you joy as you contribute to the birthing of a kinder new world.


        Image by perlenfinder from Pixabay

What are your thoughts?   Please comment below.

Help us to spread the message of kindness. If you know others who might appreciate these ideas, please share below. Thank you.

We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,
Pat and Larry


Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.


  1. Very thoughtful piece today in these acrimonious times. I am watching very little news anymore because the hatred, suggestions of violence and actual violence are dark clouds that persist and hang heavy over my head. Does what I do or how I act make a difference? I don’t know. What I do know for certain though, is that I feel better if I show up with presence, a smile, a good word or kind gesture. So I shall persist. Thank you for being a hopeful voice in these fraught times.

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