We Are Planting Seeds Every Day

The true meaning of life is to plant trees
under whose shade you do not expect to sit.

Nelson Henderson


We believe that living with kindness transforms the world - not all at once and not by ourselves alone – but bit-by-bit, day-by-day, through acts of kindness powered by love. Sometimes we see a positive effect from a smile, a kind word, or a simple act of support or encouragement. Sometimes we have no idea of the effect of our kindness on someone else.

It’s easy to think that our small acts of kindness are insignificant, that we are arrogant to believe that we have the power to change the world. But that's because we don’t see the big picture.

We have come to realize that we will never see the full impact of any kind act. The other person may respond with a smile or with words of gratitude, and that feels good. What we don’t see is the ripple effect that may follow – how the person receiving the kindness may have a change in mood and respond with more kindness or patience with others as the day goes on.

We probably won’t see the effect on the people witnessing the kindness, but they are affected, also. Studies have shown that kindness triggers a release of feel-good chemicals in the bodies of those who perform a kind act, the recipients of the kindness and, also, the observers.

It's helpful to think of acts of kindness as planting seeds. A farmer does not see the fruit of his labor at the time of the planting. It is an act of faith. He knows that the process unfolds in its natural time.

Kindness with Families and Friends

A garden is a good metaphor for our lives. As we become conscious of how we interact with others, we often see an opportunity to plant different seeds than those that we have been planting.

What seeds are we now planting, in our families, with friends, and in our workspace? Our words and actions, and the energy with which we show up, have a large impact on our relationships. We can ask ourselves, “ Do they need more from me – more time or more patience, just listening to their ideas or acknowledging them in small ways?”

As we become more mindful of what someone else needs, our relationships flow more smoothly, and we build a safe place for others to show up as their best selves.

When we choose to bring love and kindness wherever we are, that also means when we are alone. How kind are you in the way that you talk to yourself? Take a few minutes and consider this. What seeds are you planting in your own mind?

Kindness Is Love in Action

Kindness is not a transaction or quid pro quo. We are not looking for anything in return. It's an expression of who we are. We cannot control how someone else will react, but we are in charge of who we want to be in the world.

One of our favorite songs is "Planting Seeds," written and performed by Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod. It reminds us that we often do not see the results of our acts of kindness. It’s helpful to remember that we are planting seeds that will grow and bloom in the future – and that is a powerful incentive to add kindness whenever we can.

It’s also a reminder that sometimes we don’t get the result we want. An act of kindness may be rejected. That’s okay.

Just keep planting those seeds of love, knowing that you are helping to create a more beautiful world.

      Photo by Lucas van Oort on Unsplash

Enjoy the song, “Planting Seeds.

Our thanks to Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod of Empty Hands Music.

To learn more about Nimo Patel, click here to see his TED Talk.
To learn more about Daniel Nahmod, click here.

What are your thoughts? Does the idea of planting seeds speak to you? Please leave a comment below.

Help us to spread the message of kindness. If you know others who might appreciate these ideas, please share below. Thank you.

We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,
Pat and Larry


Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.

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