The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude


When we focus on our gratitude,

the tide of disappointment goes out,

and the tide of love rushes in.

                                                       Kristin Armstrong


As we approach Thanksgiving in the United States, I wanted to write about gratitude. As often happens, synchronicity brought a new video to my attention.

In her TED Talk, Hailey Bartholomew describes her journey from feeling emotionally disconnected from her life to discovering “the secret to happiness.” It is a funny, moving, and inspiring story.

Hailey was unable to enjoy life. The daily routines of being a wife and mother felt “blah” and seemed to have no meaning for her. She wanted to feel gratitude for her life, but she was not able to feel anything.

While looking for someone who could help her get out of the doldrums, she was guided to a woman who helped her to see her life in a totally new light. She received an insight that changed her life: “The secret to happiness is reflection and gratitude.”

Hailey was to spend 10 minutes every evening reflecting on the day, noticing anything that made her feel grateful. She began to see things that she had not noticed before, and soon, she was feeling gratitude for small moments in her life.

That experience inspired her to go on a photographic journey, and she decided to take a photograph every day of something that she was grateful for. She began her 365 Grateful Project, which changed her life in ways she could not have imagined. Her journey showed her that her expectations of other people had kept her from appreciating them, and her relationships improved. She tells a moving story about her husband.

Hailey learned that even in the hard things in life, we can choose to be grateful. Now, she will tell you that gratitude has helped her to learn from everything happening in her life and to find “the gold in the mud.”

I invite you to enjoy her uplifting TED Talk. It inspired me and I believe it will do the same for you.

365 Grateful Project | Hailey Bartholomew


Click here to learn more about the 365 Grateful Project


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We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,

Pat and Larry

Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.

One Comment

  1. Hailey brought tears to my eyes hearing her story about being grateful and how it changed her life by concentrating on the simple things that were so special. Her husband and children felt the results of her shift in her mindset. Her husband said, ” I’m finally enough for her now.” WOW!

    I think of Oprah when I hear the word gratefulness. Years ago, while watching her show; she was talking about doing a daily Gratefulness journal. Back then, I was going through hard times emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. I started a daily Gratefulness journal which changed my life. I continued this for several years and still do it when I feel in the doldrums. It sure made a difference in the way I look at life now. I’m so happy that I made this choice to be happier and grateful for so many thing.

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