World Kindness Day 2021


Great opportunities to help others seldom come,

but small ones surround us every day.

             Sally Koch – Author


Today, November 14, is World Kindness Day, an international holiday that was introduced as a day of observation by the World Kindness Movement (WKM) in 1998.

The World Kindness Movement, a not-for-profit organization with no political, commercial or religious affiliations, was created by organizations from several countries “to highlight good deeds in the community, focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us.” Active since 1998, the organization was registered as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) under Swiss law in 2019.

World Kindness Day is observed in 28 countries, on six continents, providing an opportunity for people around the world to focus on the importance of kindness to bring people together and to stimulate collaboration between different countries.

Typical activities include concerts, dance mobs, and the distribution of kindness cards that share messages encouraging kindness.

Our favorite example of a uniting event for this day is the Dance for Kindness, a worldwide celebration of kindness through song and dance! It is organized every year by Orly Wahba of Life Vest Inside.

Participants in the Dance for Kindness in countries around the world all learn the dance of the year, and videos from each location are combined to show them all performing simultaneously to the same music – in a kindness FreezeFrame, followed by the dance.

Last year’s event took place in over 120 cities in 50 countries with over 20,000 participants.

Orly says “The purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves – beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion, and to realize that we are citizens of the world, and that kindness is the common thread that unites us all.”

Young people from so many diverse cultures coming together in celebration of kindness always uplifts us and reminds us that our world values kindness.

It is a day of celebration – a day to remember the importance of kindness in creating and maintaining a world in which people get along and connect to each other in ways that show that we care about each other.

We can all celebrate kindness every day, by looking for opportunities to be kind, thereby inspiring others to do the same. Every small act of kindness makes a difference – a smile, a kind word, opening a door, helping someone reach an item on a top shelf.

Little things.

It’s not the size of the action that matters but what it says: “I see you and I care about you.” That cannot be measured, but the message is received.

The more we practice kindness, the more our lives become a celebration.

Enjoy the journey.

We invite you to be uplifted by watching this short video:

Dance for Kindness 2018 Worldwide Montage 


Click here to learn more about the World Kindness Movement


What are your thoughts?   Please leave a comment below.


Help us spread the message of kindness.

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We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,

Pat and Larry

Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.


  1. Getting your blog is such a joy! I always learn something that I can use daily. Thank you for the beautiful ideas you share and the care with which you craft your piece. Lots of love…..

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