Let’s Allow a Powerful Vision to Guide Us


“Create a vision for the life you really want

        and then work relentlessly towards making it a Reality"        

                                                  ― Roy T. Bennett


Do you have a vision of a better world than the one you live in? With all the reasons why we appreciate our world, there are also many changes that would make it even better.

Having a clear vision of what that world would look like provides a foundation for our lives – a focus that inspires our actions.

 It is easy – and understandable – to get so caught up in the emotions of what is unfolding in the world around us today that we lose perspective. We forget the bigger picture of the journey we are on.

Some of us have not thought about a long-term vision of where we are headed. Sometimes, even when we have a vision, we get discouraged when we experience a set-back. We may feel defeated – or angry at those who seem to work against us.

We are human, and it’s ok – even healthy to feel those feelings. Let them run their course. Speak them out loud. Rant, cry, yell. Do whatever you need to do – preferably in a safe place with someone who supports you - or even when you’re alone.

Take some time to nurture yourself. After the stress of the last several months, we all need to take a step back and ask, “What do I need right now.?”

Take time to tend to your needs.

Then, when you are ready, think about your vision of the world you want to live in.

Get a clear picture of what that looks like for you. Write it down, so you can return to it later.

Let that vision inspire a sense of purpose in you. Let your sense of purpose guide your next steps and fuel your commitment to keep moving forward.  

Now, you are ready to ask, “What can I do in service of the Vision?

Let the Vision guide you. What action can you take now, despite what is going on in the world around you?

As you move forward, remind yourself of your vision.

Our Vision 

Our vision is a world in which we live peacefully together with kindness and consideration for one another. We listen to others, so we can understand them rather than judge or condemn them because they have made different choices than we have.

In our vision, love and compassion are the driving force in our individual interactions with one another, in society as a whole and also in our government.

Love in action shows up as kindness in our personal encounters – with family and friends, but also with strangers.  It is considering their needs as well as our own, and taking action to support them in whatever way we can – whether with a smile and kind word in passing or an offer of more help where it is needed.

We live in a compassionate society in which we come together to ensure that everyone’s basic needs are met. No one is excluded or neglected or abused in any way. Everyone has access to health care and good education that will enable them to live a productive and fulfilling life. Everyone’s human rights are protected. Our physical environment is protected from destruction and we enjoy and appreciate the beautiful world that sustains us.

Our compassionate government is an extension of our compassionate society. It is an expression of the will of the people to live in a world of love and kindness. It provides efficient means of delivering services that support the efforts of society to provide basic needs – housing, food, health care, education, opportunities for good jobs, access to enriching experiences – the arts, entertainment, creative expression – and protection of the environment.

This is our vision of the world we want to live in.

We see this world emerging around us.

We see it in the kindness of people we encounter daily. We see it in our community as people come together to support one another and to help those in need.

We see it in people whose political ideas are different from ours, and we realize that we are all connected by a desire for a world in which we feel safe and have our needs met.

That world is already emerging, despite what is happening politically. We can rise above the divisions of politics. We can find common ground on which we can work together to create in our local communities what we wish to see in the world.

We can continue and expand the ways in which we are already taking love out into our part of the world.

We can continue to take a stand on issues that we care about, but we can do it without hating those who disagree with us. There’s already too much hate in this world, so let’s not contribute to the toxic mix.

Let’s call upon ourselves to rise to a higher place. Let’s remember our kinship with one another and let our actions be powered by love.

When enough of us make that choice, we will see our vision showing up in the world around us, and we’ll all be uplifted by the fruits of our commitment to one another and to the world we love.


What are your thoughts? 

Do you have a vision of the world you want to live in.

If so, please share it with us.


Help us spread the message of kindness.

If you know others who might appreciate these ideas, please share below.


We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,

Pat and Larry

Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.


  1. Pat and I talk about the vision we have for our lives every day. Our vision seems to get bigger and parts of it appears in more detail. It does take time and joyful effort. Lets hear abunt your vision.

  2. Since the election is over, I know that our nation is still divided and some do not accept the results of President Elect Joe

    Biden and Madame Vice President Kamala Harris. I hope and pray that we can have UNITY WITH KINDNESS AND A

    SHARED HEART. We are all capable of doing this by bring us all together as ONE. I’m in to act as an example! LOVE AND

    PEACE, Maggie

  3. Thank you, Maggie. We share your vision of “Unity with Kindness and a Shared Heart.” You exemplify that kindness, and we appreciate your being a part of our community.

  4. Maggie, I too share in the hope for unity of our broken nation. What strikes me most about reading this post is the notion of having a “vision”. I think of a quote that repeats itself in my mind, “begin with the end in mind”. It’s so easy to feel down and discouraged by all the negativity around us. As an empath, I feel this so deeply sometimes it physically hurts. Working on this “vision” is a way to take the power back in an otherwise powerless situation. Putting on the “work boots” and being kind is a choice we have to make every day. Thank you, Pat, for sharing this beautiful post.

  5. I so feel that a lot of the fear, meanness and wreckage that people have been holding on to and also displaying will slowly dissipate over time with the actions of the new leaders come Jan.,20 2021. So many people have been cut off from their indigenous roots, lost meaningful values and are now clinging to a downbeat, mean, unloving self-centered leader like Trump. This ship is going down for sure and quickly I hope! The all powerful Earth will be giving birth to something new. We are now in crisis and change will happen faster than we think. I also feel that so much of this fear has its deep roots in the fear of dying and not wanting to look at this as a definite happening.

    My vision is to continue working in service with the dying in their place of choice by supporting them with peace, love, compassion, and open heartedness and not only help them alleviate their fears of the dying process, but embrace it. I would also like to support those with a terminal illness thru the VSED model which is (voluntarily stopping eating and drinking) process if that is their choice.

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